Tag Archives: BlogHer Career
The Golden Globe Awards this week featured the most gorgeous dresses I’ve ever seen (yes, I confess to being a fashion watcher) and Meryl Streep winning her 9th Golden Globe, for her extraordinary portrayal of the British rock-ribbed Conservative former …
Posted in 9 Ways Blog, Gender, Know Your History, Leadership, No Excuses, Politics, Power Tools, She's Doing It
Tagged 9 Ways, BlogHer, BlogHer Career, sexism, women and leadership, women in politics
Happy New Year! Personally, I like these round numbered years. They make me feel optimistic for no apparent reason.
What about you? What’s your frame of mind as you start 2012?
Wow! Thanks, for sharing so many fabulous, and fabulously helpful, leadership lessons that you are thankful for! With the season of giving in full swing, here are more great gifts of wisdom shared by women leaders.
Want to give a gift to others? Post your leadership lesson in the comments section below.
And while you’re at it, post YOUR most burning leadership question for the New Year too…
Posted in 9 Ways Blog, Gender, Heartfeldt Leadership Advice, Inspiration, Leadership, No Excuses, Personal Relationships, Workplace
Tagged 3Plus International, BlogHer Career, Bonnie St. John, Gloria Feldt, Glynda Carr, Higher Heights for America, Laurie Margolies, leadership lessons, Lisa Brown, Mariah Burton Nelson, Marilynn Mobley, No Excuses book, Rebecca Morgan, Sally Helgesen, Sam Horn, serendestiny, solopreneur, The Female Advantage, The Female Vision
“Was there ever any domination that did not appear natural to those who possessed it?” John Stuart Mill, 18th century economist
If you’re a woman over 40, you’ve probably had an Anita Hill Moment. That aha when you realized those suggestive comments, undesired gropes, and surreptitious ass-pats you’d long endured in the male-dominated workplace had a name: sexual harassment.
If you’re under age 40, you probably grew up knowing not only about sexual harassment as a concept, but also that it is a prosecutable offense you shouldn’t put up with it for one minute. You’ve probably had training about it in your workplace, and know how to report it safely if it rears its ugly head. So whether or not you realized it, you’ve had your Anita Hill moment too.
All because of unsought leadership.
Posted in Gender, Heartfeldt Leadership Advice, Inspiration, Leadership, No Excuses, Politics, Workplace
Tagged Anita Hill, BlogHer Career, courageous leadership, Gloria Feldt, Hollaback, John Stuart Mill, Justice Clarence Thomas, Loretta McCarthy, Reed Hastings, sexual harassment, The New Times, V-Day, Violence Against Women Act, whistleblowers
I knew there’d be pushback the minute I dubbed vision the #1 leadership characteristic.
“Get real,” several readers e-mailed. It reminded me of the cartoon a colleague once gave me, bearing the caption: “When you’re up to your a** in alligators, it’s hard to remember your goal was to drain the swamp.”
In a time of economic chaos, when many people are desperately trying to keep those writhing reptiles from nipping off their knees, lofty vision talk sounds unrealistic.
It’s difficult to keep your eyes on the prize, your focus on the vision, your hand steady to the wheel when the assumptions you thought were well grounded turn out to be quicksand. But a counterintuitive skill that can help you thrive in times of change and disruption is to embrace chaos as opportunity…
Posted in 9 Ways Blog, Carpe the Chaos, Heartfeldt Leadership Advice, Inspiration, Leadership, No Excuses, Power Tools, Workplace
Tagged bankruptcy, Bill Gates, BlogHer, BlogHer Career, carpe the chaos, change, chaos, chaos as opportunity, Conde Nast, Condé Nast Portfolio, Creative Whacks, embrace change, embrace controversy, Gloria Feldt, leadership, Lehmann Brothers, Lehmann Sisters, Marketwatch, MCCAIN, Microsoft, No Excuses, Recessionwire, Roger Oech, Sara Clemence, Sarah Palin, The Huffington Post, vision, Wall Street Journal, women and leadership
Greetings from Tucson, I couldn’t be more excited to be here today to keynote the 2011 Annual YWCA’s Women’s Leadership Conference on my favorite topic, No Excuses and doing a brief workshop on the 9 Ways Power tools with about 400 women.
I’m honored to be tag-teaming with the inspiring Shoshana Johnson, the first African American female prisoner of war (POW) of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Plus, we were Glamour Women of the Year honorees together in 2003! I can’t wait to hear what she has to say.
Thursday was a big day as I was getting ready for Tucson…
Posted in Employ Every Medium, Equal pay, Gender, Heartfeldt Leadership Advice, Inspiration, Leadership, No Excuses, Politics, Power Tools, Workplace
Tagged #HERvotes Blog Carnival, 2011 Annual YWCA's Women's Leadership Conference, 9 Ways power tools, AAUW, BlogHer Career, employ every medium, extreme poverty, Glamour Women of the Year, Gloria Feldt, Joan Entmacher, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Leslie Bennetts, Linda Hallman, Margaret Sanger, MomsRising.org, National Association of Social Workers, National Women's Law Center, No Excuses, NWLC, Shoshana Johnson, The Daily Beast, U.S. Senate, United States Capitol, US. House of Representatives, women and leadership, women veterans
I know I said this column would explore what we can learn about leadership from the presidential candidates’ endless mud-wrestling on our television screens these days. That’s a fascinating analysis I’ll get to eventually—we’ll have plenty of time since the election is still fourteen months away!
But when I realized I’d be writing this column on September 14, the birthday of a significant mentor in my life, I chose instead to focus on the most important leadership lesson I learned from her…
Posted in 9 Ways Blog, Heartfeldt Leadership Advice, Inspiration, Leadership, No Excuses, Personal Relationships
Tagged Bill Gates, BlogHer, BlogHer Career, Candy Lightner, Emily May, equal rights, Gloria Feldt, Half the Sky, Hollaback, Jane Addams, leadership, Margaret Sanger, Mark Zukerberg, mentor, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Nancy Brinker, Nick Kristof, Planned Parenthood, September 14th, Sheryl WuDunn, social movements, Susan B. Anthony, Susan G. Komen, vision, visionary, Warren Bennis, women and leadership, women's history