Articles and Interviews

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Why Women are Fed Up
On “Friday Night Lights,” a Brave and Honest Abortion Story
Women’s Roadblock to Power: Themselves,” a Q and A with Wency Leung from The Globe and Mail.
“What’s Holding Women Back?”, an interview with Adriana Gardella from the New York Times.
Margaret Sanger’s Obscenity
“Girls Don’t Cry: Hazards of Campaigning While Female,” by Maureen Corrigan. National Public Radio
Time to Change How We Think About Power
How to Become Fluent in the Language of Power
Interview about No Excuses with Bonnie Erbe on PBS’s “To the Contrary
2010 Election Over; Seven-Point Plan for 2012
Aniston-O’Reilly Tiff Mirrors Gender Disparities on Women’s Equality Day
No Temple in Temple
To Run the World, Power Up Feminism
Where the Hell are All the Women?
Beyond Roe and Towards Human Rights for Women
Obama’s First Year: A Disturbing Failure to Lead

Articles By Gloria Feldt

“How Women in the Jewish Workforce can Get Ahead,” by Gloria Feldt. Forward, November 30, 2010.

“2010 Election Over; Seven-Point Plan for 2012,” by Gloria Feldt. Truthout, November 16, 2010.

“Achieving 50/50 at Home,” by Gloria Feldt. Mom Corps, November 9, 2010.

“Why Women are Fed Up,” by Gloria Feldt. The Daily Beast, October 29, 2010.

“Time to Change How We Think About Power,” by Gloria Feldt., October 2010.

“Women’s Big Power Struggle Now Lurks Within,” by Gloria Feldt.  Women’s e-News, October 10, 2010.

“No Temple in Temple,” by Gloria Feldt. Forward, September 29, 2010.

“How to Become Fluent in the Language of Power,” by Gloria Feldt., September 2010.

“Are You Happy with the Shape of Your Bikini Wax?” by Gloria Feldt. Truthout, October 2, 2009.

“The Abortion Smokescreen,” by Gloria Feldt. The Daily Beast, September 5, 2009.

Like “death panels,” the right-wing’s insistence that Obamacare would bankroll abortions is just a means to an end—derailing health-care reform.

“Penetrating Sotomayor’s Judicial Philosophy,” by Gloria Feldt and Diane Walsh. Pacific Free Press, June 2, 2009.

“George Tiller Needs More Than Candlelight Vigils,” by Gloria Feldt., June 1, 2009.

The doctor’s murder is domestic terrorism, and Gloria explains that if our leaders don’t act boldly, there will be more violence.

“Obama’s 100-Day Report Card,” by Gloria Feldt, et al., April 29, 2009.

Bloggers, activists, economists and writers grade the president’s performance so far. Featuring Sen. Russ Feingold, Dan Savage, Markos, Michael Pollan, Gloria Feldt and many others.

“To Run the Word, Power Up Feminism,” by Gloria Feldt. On the Issues Magazine, Spring 2009.

“A Do-Over for Reproductive Justice,” by Gloria Feldt. On the Issues Magazine, January 26, 2009.

“Where the Hell are All the Women?” by Gloria Feldt. ELLE, July 18, 2008.

Hillary Clinton’s historic run for president left “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling,” so where are the other female politicians who should be looking to shatter it?

PBS, September 19, 2008.

Gloria debates the the qualifications, character, and treatment of John McCain’s vice-presidential pick with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN).

“Women Still Need a Day to Amplify our Voices,” by Gloria Feldt. Women’s e-News, March 7, 2008.

International Women’s Day is heading toward 100, a woman is vying for the White House and Gloria Feldt says we’re at a pivot point in women’s history. But the venerable event remains relevant as long as women are muffled, mocked and ignored.

“Roe, 35 Years Later,” by Gloria Feldt, et al., January 22, 2008.

Salon asked leading feminists to talk about the court case that changed their lives, and why it matters more than ever.

“Egg Initiatives Crack Open the Case Against Women,” by Gloria Feldt. Women’s e-News. January 8, 2008.

Activists in a handful of states are mustering ballot initiatives to give legal rights to fertilized eggs. Gloria says it’s a golden opportunity to rally voters in the ongoing battle over women’s right to their own childbearing decisions.

“The Incredible Shrinking Woman,” by Gloria Feldt. , July 5, 2007.

In an exclusive online Q&A, Gloria reflects on the Supreme Court decision of Gonzales v Carhart–which upheld a federal law allowing Congress and state legislatures to criminalize a form of abortion without regard for the woman’s health—and what the ruling could mean for the future of abortion rights.

“Margaret Sanger’s Obscenity,” by Gloria Feldt. New York Times, October 15, 2006.

“Core Issue Missing in Birth-Control War Reports,” by Gloria Feldt. Women’s e-News, June 28, 2006.

The dominant media has started to notice that the attack on abortion extends to contraception. But the underlying story–about the intrinsic and generalized hostility to women–is still getting passed over.

Articles Featuring Gloria Feldt

“Feldt Addresses Issues of Women’s Inequality,” by Lindsay Gus. The Tulane Hullabaloo, November 30, 2010.

“Are Women or Communal Structures to Blame for Economic Disparities?” by Elana Maryles Sztokman. Forward, November 11, 2010.

“On Balance, Progress for Women,” by Connie Schultz. Cleveland Plain Dealer, November 2, 2010.

“Me, a Feminist?” by Carolyn Semendo.  AAUW Dialogue, November 1, 2010.

“Feldt Looks at Women’s Complex Relationship with Power,” ASU News, November 1, 2010.

“Gloria Feldt on Women, Careers and the Power We Possess To Benefit Both,” by Jill Miller Zimon. Blogher, October 27, 2010.

“Women and Power and the Problem With the 2010 Forbes World’s Most Powerful Women,” by Linda Lowen., October 8, 2010.

“Women’s Roadblock to Power: Themselves,” a Q and A with Wency Leung from The Globe and Mail.  September 27, 2010.

“Girls Don’t Cry: Hazards of Campaigning While Female,” by Maureen Corrigan. National Public Radio, September 21, 2010

“What is Feminism? Just Ask Gloria Feldt,” by Sarah Taylor-Spangenberg. Zelda Lily: Feminism in a Bra, September 18, 2010.

“Sarah Palin and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Political Moms,” by Joanne Bamberger. The Stir: Cafe Mom, September 9, 2010.

Women to proactively support, lift up, and connect with each other for the common sisterhood. We routinely do that in our everyday lives when it comes to juggling work and kids and husbands and parents and everything else. So why not when we’re talking about our own political good?

“Crossing the Line,” by Laura Tillman. The Nation, August 26, 2010.

Women will only be able to end the stigma that surrounds abortion by speaking their truth and holding their heads up when they walk out of an abortion clinic.

“Support Motherhood,” by Kevin Burke. Media Post, August 25, 2010.

We don’t have to do everything. If we all do something, then we are making progress. Voices that once may have gone unheard are now gaining attention through blogging and other forms of social media.

“All Style, No Substance?” by Courtney E. Martin. The American Prospect, August 23, 2010.

Feminists have a fraught relationship with Michelle Obama’s political agenda — or lack thereof.

“Beyond The Bedroom: What The Birth Control Pill Really Did For Women,” by Hannah Seligson. Forbes, May 12, 2010.

“Are Working Women Mean?” by Liz O’Donnell. The Glass Hammer, May 21, 2009

“Equal Pay Day,” by Liz O’Donnell. The Glass Hammer, April 28, 2009.

“Leaders Managing the Media,” by Matthew Kirdahy. Forbes, September 5, 2008.

Gloria speaks about Sarah Palin’s convention speech presentation from a leadership perspective.

“Life Sentence,” by Sarah Blustain. The New Republic, August 27, 2008.

Gloria tells a personal story about how John McCain abuses his power in this detailed article by about the 2008 Republican nominee for president.

“Four Feminists Tackle Harvard,” by Esther I. Yi. Harvard Crimson, April 20, 2008.

“Review of Send Yourself Roses,” by Barbara Yost. Arizona Republic, March 26, 2008.

“Panelists Want Views of Feminism to Change.” Central Michigan Life, March 19, 2008.

“Female Voters Refuel Clinton’s Comeback Machine,” by Allison Stevens. Women’s e-News, March 5, 2008.

“What ‘Juno’ Says About Teen Pregnancy, Abortion, and Choice,” by Linda Lowen., February 25, 2008.

“Meet Gloria Feldt,” by Kristine Hedlund. Phoenix Woman Magazine, November/December 2007.

“Roe v. Wade Remains a Defining Issue,” by Angela Cara Pancrazio. Arizona Republic, May 21, 2007.

“Interview with Gloria Feldt,” by Richard Farson. International Leadership Forum, December 2005.

International Leadership Forum Founder Dick Farson interviews Gloria on leadership.

“Women’s Right to Choose is Hanging in the Balance .” Jewish Woman, Spring 2005.

“How a Teenage Mom Came To Lead Top Group for Reproductive Choice,” by Lisa Keys. The Jewish Daily Forward, February 21, 2003.

“Planned Parenthood’s 25-Year Plan,” by Keith Hammonds. Fast Company, January 31, 2002.

Fast Company Magazine interview on how Gloria led a movement to create a bold new long term vision for the future.

“Four Decades of the Birth Control Pill,” by Jeanie Lerche Davis. WebMD, May 8, 2000.

WebMD talks to Gloria about the impact of the birth control pill.

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Copyright 2010 Gloria Feldt