How in the world did Shoshana Weinberg get from the “tiny country town” of Clarksville MD to Hong Kong? How in the world did this director of the Four Seasons Spa Hong Kong happen upon my 9 Ways Blog? And what in the world does she mean when she says, “Spa is everywhere?”
I asked those and other questions when Shoshana e-mailed me out of the blue saying she’d found my blog to be inspirational and wanted to be profiled as a “She’s Doing It” woman. I think you’ll find her answers fascinating as she tells her story (that’s No Excuses Power Tool #9 of course!) here.
Tell me your story…why and how did you come to be doing what you a doing?
After graduating from Hunter College in New York City (majoring in sociology and religion), I heard the world map calling my name. The next thing was temple bells ringing in Asia.
Spending one year backpacking into areas that had never been visited by tourists, the world opened for me. The longer I spent away from all that I had known, the deeper I found myself discovering Self. The further I traveled the more absorbed I became in others cultures customs and methods.
After one year I returned home and on the plane I remember there was a flash of clarity that summed my experience into three objectives for my future:
• To learn to live sustainably
• To find Self, and
• To learn how to heal others through an alternative medicine practice.
This journey has taken me fifteen years and is still ongoing. I have worked many seasons on sustainable farms in many different countries. I became a certified Yoga Instructor by way of Satchidanada, and Desikachar, which included all 8 limbs of Yoga, gifting me with knowledge of Self. I was then certified as an Ayurvedic Consultant and western herbalist so that I could then help others heal.
All of these tools led me to a Day Spa in New York, Pratima. I started as a therapist, which led me to administering the herbs as they did. After years, I was not only running the spa but had re-branded and created 20% more revenue. My passion took me even further, and I was asked to go to Mexico and open a sanctuary spa in a hotel in the Riviera Maya. This was my first project with Orient Express Hotels. After years of working for them, I became their corporate Director of Development for Spas. I traveled around the world creating concepts and spas.
After all this travel my health began to falter so I took it as an opportunity and opened my own business, Shree, which helped product lines to enter into the Spa market. Years later I felt the craving of team spirit and decided to go back to Spa Management at the Spa at Four Seasons Hong Kong.
What motivates you? What’s your passion?
I love to help people. If I can figure out the key to a person’s behavior pattern that no longer serves her or him, I feel that I have done my job. My passion is Spa. Spa is everywhere.
What do you hope to accomplish? How are you doing do far and what’s coming up in 2012?
The year of 2012 is a year of Manifestation and Focus. I plan to help myself and others manifest those elements in life that let us focus more on Self development and create responsibility to the earth. I plan to do this by helping to lift the veil of misconceptions through my blog and as well teaching my staff at Four Seasons and thereby educating their guests. A cycle of positive manifestation will occur.
What lesson or lessons have you learned on the way that might help others?
Clean up your side of the street. No person, place, or thing can affect your own behavior. Take responsibility. There is no such thing as victim.
Anything else that moves you or that you want to share about your work.
There is something that moves me, that is at the essence of what I do every day. That is using the Spa as a way or a tool to help others. No matter who, what, or where, the Spa is used as a place to give what people need.
Still wondering what “Spa is Everywhere” means?
So was I. So I asked.
Shoshana replied, in bright pink: “I believe that everywhere you look the Spa is present, in the 5 senses. The type of air that we are breathing, the touch that we may receive or give, the taste that we choose to eat and drink, the visions that we have internally and we perceive externally, the music that we listen to the voice that we give, the way that we listen.”
Gloria Feldt
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